Rules For A Slave (In the Words of a Master)

This is another poem I wrote for my dance lesson. I came across the poem after finding another fact (from a website I cannot remember) about a connection between the bible and slavery.

Please note that this poem is only written, based on fact; I’m against slavery and I have no interest in arguments for it. I only write to raise issues for why slavery is wrong. 

“Do not disobey”,

“Do not mess about and play”,

These are the rules

And they are here to stay.

To make a master happy,

Is to be quick and snappy.

If you please him,

You’ll be awarded with a grin.

Do everything he’ll say;

Make sure you’ll serve and obey.

You’ll be rewarded handsomely,

If he sees that you are not lazy.

But break the rules

And you’ll be punished

For no likes fools,

Sinners and cowards.

The bible says a slave

Should treat his master with respect,

So give all you’ve got and collect,

Otherwise, you’ll receive an invitation

Which will lead you to punishment and your grave.

Ode to My New-born

This is another poem I wrote for my dance lesson. I came across the poem after finding another fact from the nfg website, which was this:

Infanticide was common among black slave women. Killing their babies, usually by one swift chop with a knife around the infant’s neck, ensured that their sons and daughters would not experience the horrors of the slave trade.

Please note that this poem was only written, based on fact; I’ve no experience, as I’m not a mother myself. But you have connection of a child who was taken away from you, then my heart goes out to you. I will keep you in my prayers and pray for your families.

Once there was a babe,

Who I held in my arms,

Now, you’re not there

With nothing left for me,

Expect to break and cry a tear.


Killed in cold blood,

On the ship, during a raging flood;

How could take my son’s life away?

The child I bore and died on the same day?


How will I live?

How will I survive?

And with no love left to give?

How will I go on?

When his spirit hangs in the air?


So tonight, I’ll join him,

My small, unnamed babe,

Together, we will lie,

Live, play and laugh in the sky.  

© 2015

Who Is God?

This is another poem I wrote for my dance lesson. I was inspired to write this after I found a fact online. The fact came from the Slave Facts page from the nfg website. And the fact that inspired was this:

Once in slave owning societies, slaves were indoctrinated into Christian religion. Special chapels were built where the men and women were educated. These shrines were used unceremoniously to espouse the owner’s attitudes and beliefs. Much of the teaching was taken from the Bible, where the slaves were told to submit to their masters, serve them and not steal, lie or rise up against them. Such conduct was deemed blasphemy against God.

This poem doesn’t attack or make of the Christian religion or anyone in any way; this is only a poem I’ve written based on facts from two hundred to three hundred years ago. I don’t judge and I don’t make fun of others by religion, so please, don’t be hateful.

Who is God

And why is he here?

Why does my master love him?

Why does he make my life unfair?

Who is God?

Why can’t I see him?

Where is this ‘creator’?

And why won’t he leave me be?

I have no God,

No other but my own.

Cause I love my God,

When I was a babe 

And while I’ve grown.

© 2015



These are the pictures from my day out to London Zoo; I love animals so much and what I love more is animal photography. So, I wanted to share these with you and write a poem about them. I hope you enjoy them. 🙂


Big or small;

I love animals,

Whither tiny or tall.

Like human beings,

Animals also have feelings.

They are special,

So please,

Respect, save and love them!

Photos Taken from Sony Xperia™ smartphone


































© 2015



Why take away a life

When she stood up for what was right?

Representing women

Who may one day be equal,

Why treat them unfairly,

When we see the hurt clearly?

Women are equal,

Women are fair and wise,

Cause they are God’s children

Through his and everybody’s eyes.

© 2015

Judge – A Poem of Social Injustice

Note: This is a poem I have recently written for Drama school. Last term, my class were focusing on including and excluding subjects that the world suffers and in our spare time, we were asked to research and send information that are either inclusive or excluding. I’ve chosen many subjects and some, I’ve written in articles and two monologues. This term, I’ve been focusing on the subject again and asked my teachers if I can carry on with more Prejudice research and they’ve said “yes”.

Lately, I’ve performed in a show called “12 Angry Men” and I was inspired by the whole show. So, I’ve decided to write a poem about how social injustice is dominating the world.

I hope you’ll enjoy it. 🙂  

How can you judge a child by the colour of their skin?

Once innocent and free, now a victim of prejudice, so I see.  

How can you judge students by their looks, feelings and grades?

Why pressure them to be prefect, when they already feel excluded?


How can you judge a worker by their uniform or profession?

They’re trying to do their job, so why do you call them “sobs”?


How can you judge a family because of their social class?

They’re just trying to live, so why would you look down on them?

Why do you judge? Why do you hate?

Why leave their problems aside, until it is too late?

What have we done for injustice to take over?

Now, what’ll become of us, when peace and love is ignored?

© 2015

Beauty Is In The Eye of The Beholder – Should Difference Be The New Height of Fashion?

Living in the twenty-first century isn’t easy these days; despite the technology and the magazines, it’s not had to imagine that a lot children, teenagers and young adults are being excluded because they want to follow fashion. But is that the way to go? When fashion will dominate the entire world? What happen if bullying and isolation will rule the roost?

stop-bullying   Bullying is taking control over society.

We all know that bullying can change a person’s life, physically and emotionally. People bully others because they have been victims themselves and they think it is “cool” as a way to get attention. But, there are those who choose not to go down that road. These people are just completely isolated because they are act, think and life differently. But modern times, somehow, catches up to them.

I know a lot of people who are into magazines; they regularly read them and judge on celebrity’s body appearances and the clothes they wear. And because of this, there have been consequences; one person attempted to slim down and became dangerously anorexic. Last week, I was on my break and travelling on public transport when I saw a young mother. She had a toddler, who wore small gold hoop earrings and stylish clothes. Although she was having a blast while looking around the bus, I felt sad for her. It seems that children are growing up too fast these days. What happened to “enjoying being a kid”? I didn’t have my ear pierced until I was eighteen. When you read or even hear experiences like mine, it’s just an overreaction.

However, my worries about stories from strangers, friends and stories coming from yourself or mine are that they may become world issues. Will we no longer see inclusion again? What will happen to equality for all?

I’ve been a victim of bullying and I shamelessly read magazines. I’ve been ashamed of my appearance, including my body but now, I am not afraid any more. There was a story that I was told, years ago and remember today about something my grandmother said:

If you don’t like about the way you look, think about how lucky you are to have what you got because not many people do.

I heard that my grandmother was strict but, I think she was fair.

There are many people who have a disability, are deaf, blind, etc who wish to be “normal”, but, that word is so cliché. There’s no such thing as being a normal person because we’re all equal in different ways. You don’t need to wear make-up, just for the sake of it or have plastic surgery to attract younger people. You just need to be yourself because it will get you far in this world and who knows, one day you can make a change.

]PJO   Everyone is a rainbow.

Difference and inner beauty is the new trend and height of fashion. 🙂